Policy and Systemic Advocacy

At Star Health we are committed to partnering with consumers, communities and other stakeholders to advocate for systemic change. Through our research and advocacy we aim to impact key areas of the health policy. We create both pro-active and responsive statements to the current policy environment.

[document_download file_picker=”11772″ heading=”Position Paper Harm Minimisation March 2017″][document_download file_picker=”11791″ heading=”Federal Senate Submission – Advocacy” copy=”Submission to joint Standing Committee on the NDIS, Inquiry into the provision of services under the NDIS for people with psychosocial disabilities related to a mental health condition Feb 2017″][document_download file_picker=”11792″ heading=”Fishermans Bend Recast Vision May 2016″ copy=”Service planning submission “][document_download file_picker=”11793″ heading=”Ferrars Street Community Centre May 2016” copy=”Service planning submission “][document_download file_picker=”11799″ heading=”State Wide System Design Health Systems August 2016″ copy=”State submission, service planning”]